Current Healthcare Center at Toru-Angiama Community


Here is an introduction to the current Healthcare Center at Toru-Angiama Community in Patani LGA, Delta State of Nigeria. It is the center where the members of the community are attended to for their medical and health concerns and needs.

The above pics show the interior of the healthcare center. There is a need for expansion, as well as the acquisition of equipment to aid and assist the healthcare practitioners in their services to the members of the community.

My cousin Benaebi Bentari Oguoko (General), an Environmental Consultant and an Ijaw (Izon) Cultural Researcher based in England, is the brains behind this project. Together, we are passionate in the provision of basic healthcare to our community.

My cousin (right) and one of the healthcare practitioners

General and the 2 resident healthcare practitioners

The healthcare practitioners, and the Nurse from the city hospital who travels in to train, oversee and supervise the practitioners in their medical service to the community.

This is the vision of the November 2023 Fundraising: To expand the healthcare center by rebuilding two adjacent dilapidated buildings to make room for additional healthcare services to be provided to the community, as well as purchasing drugs and equipment to enable the Free Healthcare Initiative.

The assistance and support of individuals, organizations, institutions and other communities will be needed to attain this goal.



  1. Acknowledged, You really get Toru-Angiama (Your Community); at heart


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