By Solomon Akpeli 

Since the European Explorers accessed Africa through the Sea, they naturally encountered the riverine dwelling peoples first and started a robust trading relationship and encounter. They come across products that were sourced from the hinderland. The Europeans knew, it would be better to get to the sources because, it would also lead to more different and diverse products, thereby, cutting off middlemen mark-ups. This in turn, became the beginning of several conflicts.

The Europeans essentially operated as a polygamist; the newest bride got the most value and attention - so, the newly discovered peoples because their priority. The Ijaw people being the majority of the coastal Dwellers, both enjoyed and suffered great advantages and disadvantages alike.

In the run up to independence of Nigeria from the British, Both the Ijaws and the Northern people made it clear that, they did not want to be part of the Nigerian state for fear of domination by the major ethnic groups. While the North was eventually persuaded to join, the Willinks Commission was set up by the British and the report adopted recommended the establishment of a Niger Delta Basin Development Authority, which main task was to "develop the Niger Delta Region to the level of development of Lagos at the time". Despite, the protests of the Niger Delta minorities, that was what was implemented.

Nigeria became independent in October 1960. The Niger Delta Basin Development Authority was promptly established but, no real impactful development was achieved. Rather, the Nigerian state went on a frenzy to establish a Basin Development Authority for literally every major River in Nigeria because, the major ethnic groups and Federal Leadership felt, the Niger Delta was being treated specially  confirming the worst fears of the people of the Niger Delta.

The military leadership of the Babangida Administration also established the Oil Mineral Producing Areas Development Commission (OMPADEC) and appointed Mr. Albert Horsefall, a Security Expert from the region to Chair it. Despite its best efforts, the impact was barely felt - it raised Corruption, Political Interests and divisions. The NDDC was established in June, 2,000 as a direct response to the activities and agitation of the people of the region, particularly, the Youth Groups and Militant elements. Right from the onset, the people of the Niger Delta maintained that it would go the way of the Niger Delta Basin Development Authority and the OMPADEC; And would be sidelined once again. But, the Obasanjo Administration, forced the Commission down their throats. Despite, clear protests from the people, the Obasanjo Administration went ahead and foisted every Oil Mineral Producing Areas into the purview of the Commission. The immediate drawback is that some upland areas were included, who did not share ecological challenges with the unique environment and ecology of the region. Since, the appointment of key functionaries were to rotate from on State to another, priorities different from the priorities of the Niger Delta was made prominent at the expense of the core Niger Delta.

In the run up to the 2007 Presidential Elections, Atiku Abubakar had promised the people of the Niger Delta a Federal Ministry for them; when Atiku fell out with Obasanjo, the former opted for Shehu Yar'Adua with Jonathan as his Vice President. The existing Governors of the Region at the time, gave the establishment of the Ministry as a condition for their support. So, when he was inaugurated, he established the Ministry. Again, despite the combination of the Ministry and the Commission, development continue to evade the Region.

Abacha may be anything else to other people of Nigeria, but he remains the most responsive Nigerian Leader to the aspirations, hopes and plight of the Niger Delta people. First of all, he created Bayelsa State and Local Government Areas and made sure that, a provision of 13% Derivational Fund payable to the Oil Miniral Producing States, was provided for in the 1999 Constitution.However, typically, the Nigerian State and Leadership introduced a STRANGE DICHOTOMY (offshore and onshore) to the implementation of the 13%. They are to only implement the 13% on On-shore production only. The pertinent question is if the onshore is not part of Nigeria, would the offshore production be Nigeria's? Curiously, Akwa-Ibom State getting more than other States when Akwa-Ibom State is known to be nearly a 100% offshore.

The Niger Delta remains undeveloped because of the the ineffectiveness of both the federal Agencies and the Commission. despite fairly huge inflows from the Federal Allocation, because Federal Characters continue to dabble in the State. The Lack of appreciable development should be placed squarely at the doorstep of the Federal Government of Nigeria.


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