Currently, the only means of transportation to the Toru-Angiama community is by boat. For someone visiting like me, it sounds adventurous and fun. Until 9pm you want to leave to go get something, and you realize you do need to charter a boat. Besides, the boat was so overloaded with people and goods, the water level to the edge of the boat was too high.

Why is a boat the only means to get to this community? I have heard different versions from the community members. One version says the infrastructural company that was hired to build the road had one of its employees kidnapped by the Amnesty Boys. So once the payment was made, completing the road was a dead end. The other version of events I heard was, the community asked the company to pay them some compensation to build a road to them. The company didn't, so they rejected the opportunity.

Either way, there is a half-started road that's overrun with shrubs and forestry. In this modern age, there is a community that the only way to get to it, is by a boat! That's very concerning.

And speaking of concerning, when I was returning, not only did our boat breakdown on the water, but it was also leaking. If you watch the video beneath, you will hear someone scooping the water out of the boat, as we stayed stuck on the water. The engine died, and there was no paddle.

How did we leave? Another boat swung by, and we had to get towed on the water back to land. So many questions. What sort of mindset do you have to operate with to have leaking boats with faulty engines conveying people to and fro? At what point would a management system be put in place for security and safety? Obviously, an accident and loss of life are the elements waiting before seriousness is applied to this situation. But then again, this is a situation where a road was prevented from being built to the community for whatever reason. Thats the bigger concern to be addressed.


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